Community Dental Services

The Community Dental Services delivers services in the form of preventive, curative and rehabilitative dental care in the health centers and school campuses to cater to the population of Seychelles. The services are provided between 8 am to 4 pm weekdays. There are 17 Dental Officers and 23 Dental Therapists working in the Community Dental Services. These dental professionals are assisted by 53 Dental Surgery Technicians.

Services Delivered:

Location of Dental Services

In Health Centers
  • Beau Vallon Health Center
  • English River Health Center
  • Yellow Roof Dental Section
  • Les Mamelles Health Center
  • Anse Aux Pins Health Center
  • Anse Royale Health Center
  • Baie Lazare Health Center
  • Anse Boileau Health Center
  • Grand Anse, Praslin Health Center
  • Baie Ste Anne Health Center
  • Logan Hospital, La Digue
  • Beoliere Health Center
On School Campuses
Other Facilities

After Hours Services

Dental Officers provide on call services for dental emergencies on weekdays between 4 pm and 8 am and on the weekends. These are provided at the Seychelles Hospital, Mt Fleuri and Baie Ste Anne, Praslin. Patients report to the medical emergency services and dental officers on call are consulted over the phone for assessment of the situation. Patients are attended to in person either at the accident and emergency unit (casualty) or allocated regional dental clinic for management.


Oral Health programs are implemented in collaboration with the Dental Public Health section with the aim of improving the oral health status of identified high risk groups through preventive and educational efforts.


Target Group: 0 to 3 1/2years

Children are examined as from the first post-natal visit. Mothers are given oral health care instructions for cleaning of infant’s mouth. Children are examined and given treatments at every 6 month interval, especially if there is any tooth decay.


Target Group: 31/years to 6 years

The tooth brushing activity carried out in this age group teaches the latter on oral hygiene care and the importance of fluorides in the protection of teeth against tooth decay.


Target Group: 6 years to 17years (P1 to S5)

This program aims at educating and preventing the occurrence of oral health diseases in this age category through preventive measures and treatment of tooth decay and gum diseases as required.


 Target Group: Pregnant women

The program has for aim to increase awareness in expectant mothers on relationship between pregnancy and the effects on the oral health status through oral health education initiatives and are provided preventive care.


 Target Group : People with Diabetes Mellitus

The program was designed with an aim to increase awareness in people with diabetes mellitus  as well as their family members and carers,  on the relationship between oral health, especially gum problems and tooth decay. Research has shown that good oral health leads to improvement in diabetic status and vice versa.

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