Profile of Drug Abusers
The total number of clients registered in the DSAPTR data system reached 4,719 on March 31st 2024.
Sex ratio of the total registered clients is in favor of males (Female:Males = 7 males per female),
33% Clients
aging between 36-45years
29% Clients
aging between 26-35 years
13% Clients
Aging less than 25 years
The DSAPTR offers different medically-assisted treatment (MAT) programs depending on the main substance of concern (OPI and AL only):
- Maintenance programs for opioid use disorders, including High Threshold Methadone Maintenance Program (HTMMP), and High Threshold Buprenorphine Maintenance Program (BUP);
- Harm Reduction program referred as Low Threshold Methadone Maintenance Program (LTMMP), for opioid use disorders;
- Relapse prevention (with or without naltrexone) for alcohol and opioid use disorders
- Symptomatic detoxification for alcohol and opioid use disorders.
Psychosocial support is also offered to people with substance use disorders, including opioids, cocaine, cannabis, and alcohol.
The number of clients who were registered during the first quarter of 2024 (total = 340) per treatment program, revealing that most of newly and re-registered clients were first enrolled in harm reduction program (LTMMP = 74.7%).