The Ministry of Health is one of the largest government ministries in Seychelles, both in terms of its number of employees and the size of government budget allocated to it. It is divided into a Parent Ministry under the executive leadership of the Principal Secretary.....
With thirty years of experience in the health system of Seychelles, Minister Peggy Vidot is committed to the development of the country’s health sector.
Dr. Bernard Valentin is a general medical practitioner with post graduate qualification in health services management.
The public Health Authority (PHA) monitors, evaluates and ensures efficient operations of the Public Health Laws. It also regulates, monitors and evaluates all health-related services and ensures they adhere to good practices in the interest of the general public.
Dr. Jude Gedeon is the Public Health Commissioner and is responsible for the Public Health Authority
The Health Care Agency (HCA) provides preventive, primary, secondary and tertiary care through the Seychelles Hospital and the Community Health Services. Its objectives are to promote, protect and restore the health of the public by responding appropriately to prevent disability and death resulting from illness or other causes.
Dr Danny Louange serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Health Care Agency since April 2017 after his promotion from Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
Dr Louange specialises in Orthopedics and spine surgery. In addition to his experience in Seychelles, Dr Louange has practised extensively in hospitals in Singapore for over 15 years, and also lectured in Medicine at Universities in Singapore.
The attainment, by all people in Seychelles of the highest level of physical, social, mental and spiritual health and living in harmony with nature.
“Ki tou dimoun dan Sesel i reisir ariv lo pli o nivo lasante fizik, sosyal, mantal e spirityel e ki zot viv an armoni avek lanatir.”
To relentlessly promote, protect and restore the health, quality of life and dignity of all people in Seychelles, with the active participation of all stakeholders, through the creation of an enabling environment for citizens to make informed decisions about their health.
“San arete, pour promouvwar, proteze e retabli lasante, kalite lavi ek dignite tou dimoun dan Sesel, avek partisipasyon aktiv tou bann parti prenan, atraver kreasyon sa lanvironman favorab pour sitwayen fer desizyon enformen lo zot lasante.”
Caring: We consider health as our business and caring as our vocation Development: We shall always develop the health staff to lead our people to healthier lifestyles Excellence: Anything we do now, we shall try to do it better the next time Partnership: We believe in a perpetual partnership with our stakeholders People: We value our health workforce as our most important asset Productivity: We shall strive untiringly to deliver both quality and quantity in health care Professionalism: We believe that skills professionalism is a sine qua non for health improvement
HEALTH FOR ALL A principle that places the well-being of the individual and the family at the center of all our efforts in the pursuit of social and economic development.
HEALTH BY ALL A philosophy that recognizes that the primary responsibility for health rests with each and every single individual and that the individual’s beliefs, attitudes and actions determine his or her health.
Public Health Act
Food Act
International Health Regulation
Health Professionals Act
Seychelles National Health Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Seychelles Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases 2016-2025
Annual Health-sector Performance Report 2023
Seychelles National Survey of Noncommunicable Diseases 2023
2023 Annual Hospital Services Statistical Report
Primary Health Care Annual Statistical Report, 2023
Explore our interactive multimedia content to embark on an engaging and educational health journey like never before!
Anse Royale Hospital – 4371222 Baie Ste Anne Hospital – 4232333 Family Hospital – Logan Hospital – 4234255 N.E Point Hospital – Seychelles Hospital – 4388000 Mental Hospital - 4670235
Anse Aux Pins – 4388468 Anse Boileau – 4355555 Baie Lazare H. Centre – 4234255 Beau Vallon - 4388491 Beoliere – 4355555 English River – 4388577 Glacis – 4261140
Grand Anse Praslin – 4233414 Les Mamelles – 4388475 La Misere Health Center - 4378800 Mont Fleuri – 4388470 Silhouette Health Center - Takamaka – 4361151 Youth Health Centre – 4388585
Eye Clinic Dental Services Communicable Diseases Control Overseas Treatment Occupational Health Mental Health E N T
Customer Service Ministry of Health 4388131
Marie Alise Dine Director for Human Resources 4388034
George Madeleine Director, Health Promotion Unit 4388058
Baie Ste Anne Praslin Hospital - 4322333 Logan Hospital La Digue - 4234255 / 2525567 Music Stadium, English River - 4388410 / 2829340
Beau Vallon Health Centre - 4385001 / 4247417 Anse Royale Health Centre - 4388467 Anse Boileau Health Centre - 4355555
Anita Bonne Disease Surveillance and Response Unit Ministry of Health, Mont Fleuri P.O Box 52, Victoria, Seychelles Hospital 4385054 / 2660940 / 2519531
Beyond slogans for Health Promotion
Number of syphilis cases in Seychelles on the increase